un-Christian ized

Living Like Christ in Post-Christian Culture

As  Christianity has less influence on the western world

a pre-Christian approach to the Gospel gives hope for the Church.



Hope in the Return

The book of the prophet Zechariah was written during the return to Jerusalem and rebuilding of the temple. After almost 70 years in exile only a remnant have returned home. People are discouraged and wondering where the Lord is in their rebuilding efforts. It is not the new Jerusalem they expected. But then the Lord breaks his silence to Zechariah. His message is not only of hope in the return of Israel and the new temple. It is also a vision of the coming Messiah who brings blessing and salvation to the world.


Resurrection Sunday 2023

When Jesus rose from the dead, many of his followers doubted that it was true. But when he appeared to them and they saw he was alive, they were filled with joy. They may have asked him, "Are you really alive?" But as we understand the deeper spiritual significance of the resurrection we find that same question can be asked of each of us: Are You Alive?


Mini Teaching Series: Luke 1 and 2

The Original Christmas Songs

from Dr. Luke's Holy-day Collection

When we think of Christmas songs there are the old favorites and the new. We have Christmas Charols, pop, electirified orchestra and everything in-betwenn. We also have religious and secular songs to choose from. But there are some Original Christmas Songs the we find in the Gospel of Luke. A small but unique collection of the greatest hits from some of the first participants in the biblical Christmas story.


What do you Want NEED for Christmas

We often ask the question, "What do you want for Christmas?" The list of gift ideas may be short or long. 

The people who waited for the first Christmas had a lot of ideas of what they wanted in a Messiah. But God gave us what we really needed. In this Advent series we ask the question, "What do you really NEED for Christmas?" The answer can be found in the names that refer to Jesus the Messiah.  


Previous Teaching Series


Because we have been set free!

The Ten Commandments were given by God to Moses on tablets of stone.

Why are they still relevant for Christians today?


Recent Teaching Series


Being on Mission with God

God is on a mission and the church is God's plan to accomplish it.


Past Sermon Series

Messy Church

Lessons of God's Grace

from 1 Corinthians

What can we learn from a church with a lot of problems? 

We learn about God's grace for imperfect people . . . like us.


Resent Sermon Series

Transforming Church

Moving from messy to mature

through 2 Corinthians

How do we get beyond our weaknesses

to become the people and church that God calls us to be?


Past Sermon Series

Choosing Joy

The Key for Strength in Life

A study of Paul's prison letter to the Philippians


Past Sermon Series

Tested Faith

Trusting God through difficult times.


WHY?  a two-part Easter mini-series

"I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said." (1 Corinthians 15:4-5 NLT)

Why did God choose to have Jesus die? Was there another way to save the world?

Why is important that Jesus rose from the dead? Can humanity be save without believing that he did?

In this two-part mini-series we will ask why did Jesus die and why did Jesus rise from the dead?


Easter Series: BROKEN